We develop messaging technology that combine AI to make you more efficient and informed in your communications.  Our AI products help individuals and companies deepen existing connections through and scale the ability to create new ones.

Individuals can get personalized advice, insights and help drafting messages within our Android app or chat for instant coaching within our website.  Our AI named Mei (pronounced ‘may’) has provided personalized communication advice and coaching to over 500,000 people. 

Our newly introduced bot builder platforms enables you to train your own custom and personalized AI that can chat and text with you, for you, and like you. 

I'm looking to...

Make My Own AI

Build and train a custom generative AI chatbot that can chat with you and for you

Chat With AI

Get personalized advice, coaching, and help replying to texts 

Message Others with AI Help

The only SMS texting app on Android with optional AI for personalized insights and help drafting texts

If you’re looking to build a bespoke AI product or custom chatbots, simply chat with Mei below to get more information.  It will answer your questions and guide you to the appropriate place. 


You can access our AI through several products and messaging channels:

Android App: Our app replaces the default SMS texting app preinstalled on Android phones. It’s upgraded with our AI built-in and optional, along with modern messaging features like customization, folders, and encrypted chat. Users can enable the AI to get real-time personalized intelligence as they chat.   

Web-based Chatbot: Chat with Mei’s AI directly on our website.  Get suggestions for how to reply to a text or advice on any relationship.  Our AI coach is always available and responds immediately, without the judgment of a person.  Soon, you’ll even be able to upload a conversation for more personalized help.

Our iOS app is a teaser app for one of Mei’s AI abilities.  It analyzes a single exported WhatsApp conversation to predict the likelihood of certain outcomes and gives advice on how to bridge personality differences.

We help individuals and businesses create customized chatbots and scripted SMS bots to start automating communications with AI.

We partner with other companies, developers and researchers.  If you’d like to discuss integrating our technology, email us at info@textmei.com.  If you’d like our tech on apps you use, contact their developers to reach out to us.

Philosophy on Messaging & AI


AI that understands you and your contacts, guiding you through your communications


Users have choice and are incentivized to share data to train the next generation of AI


Modernizing messaging with tools to improve ourselves and our relationships


Anonymity and privacy built-in. Tech doesn't need your identity or personal information to help you.